Wednesday 21 December 2011

Assassins Creed Revelations

My Ultimate in Gaming, I love this Franchise, and in Revelations the Characters are sexy, sassy, and much loved by us all. Beautiful Set with Stunning scenery as always. By now Ezio has to be the hardest working man in video games. Ezio is 52 and still very much committed to saving the world.

The game begins with Desmond washed up on the shore line in the Animus, here he runs into a man called simply 16 who worrying informs Desmond that the memories of Ezio and Altair have become fused within his mind, meaning that if he returns to his body to soon before he finishes exploring them, he will go into mental arrest with dire consequences.

He needs to follow Ezio into Constantinople of 1511 AD, as he searches for an item that could end the war between the Templars and the Assassins.

Most of the action takes place in Constantinople, when the Ottoman Empire is on the rise, it is an impressive venue for adventure.

It goes without saying, as this is an Assassins Creed game, that everything in the detail is historically accurate and beautifully gorgeous to the eye.

However a few flaws still remain, the free running is still twitchy. Climbing is more advanced than ever, routes are not always that clear up towers and buildings, but who am I to quibble. I am liking the introduction of parachutes though, as sometimes hitting the jump button at the wrong time and Ezio will just kick off the building and come crashing to the ground.

Some of the controls have changed slightly which took a little time to get to grips with, so I'd say be careful with that one and defo do the training section to get used to those. Just remember if you are at the top of a tower don't press Y.  Y won't give you the panoramic view point animations as in the other games of the series, it will however fired Ezio's flintlock.

Ezio Auditore, to simply put it, is the only reason you need to pick up a copy of Assassins Creed: Revelations, and I can confidently say after falling for this hunk of a video game character Revelations is one of the best titles to come out of 2011.

Assassins Creed
X-BOX 360


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